Friday 19 March 2010

Thriller target audience

There are many different types of audiences and thrillers, and these all target specific people. Horrer thrillers such as The Sixth Sense, Signs and The Village are targeted towards teenage girls and thrillers such as No Country For Old Men and Silence of the Lambs are targeted towards young males. The older classic thrillers like those from Alfred Hitchcock are targeted for Adults even though they are rated PG's.

Thrillers tend to be for people who like to work things out but sometimes it never happens until the end.

Our thriller appeals to those who enjoy the mystery. The twist at the start of film just before her possible death gets the audience to think because thev've seen part of the end of the film at the start. Our thriller is not made to strike horror into people but it's there to make people ask questions and to get thier hearts beating faster a few times. Our target audience 15-30 because we feel that anyone younger than 15 wouldn't be able to understand part of the ending being at the start. For anyone older than 30 we feel this film will not appeal to them because the film is about a young girl who attends college.

1 comment:

  1. Who actually did this piece of work Tyler? You need to reference whose work it is as a minimum. You should really be writing this for yourself.
