Hancock is very funny twist on a normal super hero movie. The director Peter Berg was teamed up with Vincent Ngo and Vince Gillian as the writers for this great film that used great actor like Will Smith who plays the super hero or in some people eyes a villain. This film was realised on 2 July 2008. It when on to make the gross revenue of $624,386,746. This film was made in the US and then it was distributed by Columbian pictures.
I went to see this film in the summer of that year in the cinema with a friend and we both left thinking we have just seen one of the best films of the year because it had a mix between easy and hard humour for adults and for teens and also we though the plot was very new and very rare to find in a film and it had many twists This film is rated 6.6/10 and by watching the review are very positive and they most have a opening line which say “all better then I though it was going to be.” There were a few bad reviews; the big bad point was bad CGI and also no main villain. But the people do say that the film is more about will smith and he girl and there relationship than him saving the day. This review goes with the catch line which say don’t worry about the bad reviews this film is brilliant. I next quote I read had the title “Solid Popcorn Flicker”, he also then gave it a 9/10 rating. He said “Good special effects (even though there not all done)”, so it seems he like the special affect but he also says in this it could have been done a bit better as some of them did not seem right as they did not seems finished as this is silly thing to say to me as film company will not release a film if the special affect have not been done or completed to the right standard, that is why Avatar took so long. He also then said, “The relationship of Jason Bateman's character, Ray and his wife Mary isn't fully fleshed out and the chemistry isn't all there (towards the end Will Smith has better chemistry with her and there scenes together are juicy and easily the best parts of the last twenty five minutes)” By this he seems to be saying that the relationships between some of the character could have done with some more work but by the end of the film it seemed better and also this is the best part of the film as it takes the final twist, this twist creates a tense and drastic ending which should have stratify all audiences.
Technological Advancements
I think the main and most important thing in this film was the CGI, This film is unarguably the best CGI film ever made; this is probably because it took over 8 years to make with the best CGI equipment to date. CGI has been around since the early 1970’s but it near really hit the big screen until Star Trek II but it was only use in a small part of the film. The first real big hitter was the 1993 master piece Jurassic Park, this film use it though out the film to make the dinosaur with other beast come to life with the best life likeness they could get. This film single handily caused Holly wood to dump all old techniques and pick up digital techno to improve there films. There first real go was in the film Forest Gump where it was used in the historical parts of this film. CGI then single handily create a new type of film which is animation, animation had been done before using clay but CGI made it possible to make a film on a PC with no need for Clay or any other materials. Films like Beauty and The Beast where the best from the 90’s but Toy Story in the early 2000’s made the biggest impacted.
In this film they used CGI a lot to make the characters with power fly and also do other stuff, the CGI in this film was criticized a lot because it was apparently poorly done with big mistakes, they have to use the CGI in a big part of this film because it a superhero film and all super hero films use CGI.
Mise on Sense
The main character wears two outfits, one is his super hero suit which he where at the end, it is black which could show that he is a bit evil, it is also made out of leather so he is maybe a bit of a hard nut like a biker and also it is tight and this may show that he cares and looks after his figure,

His second out fit is a typical American out fit with a shirt and a pair of shorts, this shows that is casual person who don’t really care about his powers and this is shown in this clip.
His top is white, this shows that he is a nice person who is relaxed, his shorts are cream and that could show that he don’t care and he is very passive.
Mary Embery (the special girl) wear very normal cloths as well, blue jeans which could represent that she is very neutral, she is also wearing a green top, this shows that she is also a kind and sweet person who possible cares about the environment.
This film was set in LA; this film was naturally light though out the film by the American sun, this film was lightened really well as there was no real night seen so all they had to do was to make it like it was day time and in America that is easy. This film does not really use make up aspect from he normal make up that all actresses and also some actors use to make them look just right for the shot.
You have just taken the same technology comment from your Avatar analysis, and even this was probably sourced elsewhere. You need to reference any websites that you have taken information from.