Theme/genre - Thriller
Sub genre - Horror
opening sence story line
Man and a women are in a car driving in the pitch black. the women is asleep untill the man swurves because a racoon is in the middle of the road. they spin and stop but do not crash. Women asks why they are on this road and not the interstate. man answers big tall back. the spin which happened earlier has caused some damaged to the cars engine. They have to stop at a pefectly placed gas station but it seem desolate. A man jumps up next to the car and skaock the man and women but he is a good charater aswell. That is where we stoped the viewing.
Music and sounds
Very tense music, rapid spped chances to biuld fake and real suspence due to the action which is unfolding and it is a abit frantic in places.
Sounds of animal creates isolation and entrapment as there seems to be no one around.
Slow music as the car is sweeping thouigh the bends which makes you just ready for the change in music which will lead to the action.
It is in california as it said that on the number plate but they could be driving some where else.
Night time with no other cars on a Road which is meant to be a short cut.
Mountain road in the middle of no where asept from the perfectly placed gas station.
Firts male which is driving
He is a funny charater who trys to connect with the audeince earlier by say mini jokes like "No I just went this way to see how pissed off you would be". By this you can also see a break down in his relationship with the female charater.
The female charater is asleep untill they have a spin and then he also uses sarcasim like "Take our life because you dont want some road kill on your car". this relationship break down is visiable all they way though the clip.
The last charater is hard to understand because he jumps up when is right next to the car with a hat on and then say dont worry. by this he has just made the people in the car jump for there life.
Ladie cuts herself with a knife as she is cutting segments from a apple and this weird but it repisents blood and you expect that to be in all thrillers and all horrors.
The Departed

Story line / Narrative
At the start is hit you bery fast as you see people fighting in the street and then it goes to a black guy talking and then it cuts to a white male in a car work shop or that is what it looks like and he is saying about he has only one thing agaist the blacks and that is that no gives you any thing you have to take it. it then cuts to the man walking into a shop and then asks the man in the shop for some money and then he says a thinkabout the girl in the shop in a pervy way. He then talk to a boy and then gives him some free food and drink and then he says to the boy you ever want some work come and see me. You then see the boy in a church a his perants funeral as it then cuts to him in the man gagrage. The next cut went to a beach scene as the man is shooting a man and a women. he then say the women fell funny like he does it day in day out. it then cuts to the boy in the car works shop as it faced to him now as a older man in a police student learning center.
The Ganster like man
He is a very strong and powerful man and you can see this in the first few line when he has entered the shop and he get the money and he says he does not wont to come down here for it again. He also has not challanges when he say to the workers daughter that she looks nice and he is like 40 years older and then later he say you can keep the money to buy some make up as she needs it. He also seems to be a repected figure as the boy does what he is asked as it was like he was told.
The Small boy
He looks very small and weak and then he seems scraied by the large male man but he seems happier when the man gives him some food and drink. He looks interested and also seems that he want ot do what the man say even though the man did ask him and not tell him. You can see this as the boy dont real seem like he wants to go to the garage but he goes and by this the man seems like he is a fatherly figure in the boys life espcially when you hear that the boys mum and dad are dead earlier in the clip. As it then cut to the final part of the clip the charater changes to a older man and he is in a police accadime and i find this very weird because the big boss like figure of the boys nieghbour hood seemed like he was not a nice man and he done very bad things but he was nice to the boy and he even gave the boy free food for him and his nan. Butif he still though he wanted to change the way his nieghbour hood to a nice place with not higher level ganster running the town in stead he may want a nice even town where no one is feared as he may have seen death and also shoot out and he mind find that wrong and he might not want that.
Remember to read into the techniques Tyler. Explain their effects and look for symbols and connotations.